Thursday 10 May 2012

Time Management cont...

Wednesday May 9th

Free day to crack on with design work.

10am - Woke up, slept through my alarm (god job we didn't have to be in)
11 am - 12 - blogging on extra work
2pm - Went out for dinner, had some time to relax
4pm - Came back, finished off COP blogging and did more designs
6pm - COP designing
8pm - finished working, watched a film
11pm- Bed and alarm set for 8 am. 

Thursday May 10th

7 am  -  wake up, shower
8am - leave for uni walk, 20 minutes
9 am - queig for drop in to print
10am - findished printing, back put the studio for some extra work
11 am - Nipped downstairs for a can of coke, 
12 - Time for food, 30 minutes, nipped outside, didn't bring my own

1pm - 3pm - catching up on blog work and a few more designs
4pm - packing up to leave
5pm- At home, catching up on some blogging i have missed from before
6pm- Stop woking, grab some tea, watch 'come dine with me' on4od
7pm - Relaxation time, went to play pool at the pub round the corner
10 pm - Came back from the pub, chilled out, packed my bag for the next day.
12 - In bed, watching a film,

Alarm set for 8 am wednesday.

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