Monday 26 March 2012


10 rules I will improve socially ... 
Don't socialise after 9pm
Don't sit and watch video's/ etc with flatmates i have seen in the day
Cook meals with flatmates
Put a sign on my door when i am working
Do a lot of exercise
Broaden my creative influences
Get some fresh air 
Don't use social networking sites. 
Spend my spare time away form my laptop.

10 things I will improve domestically ...

Wash up as soon as I use the plates and cutlery instead of letting it build up.
Clean my room weekly instead of letting it get out of control and having to a massive clean.
Wash clothes more often.
Look on the internet for how I can use up the left over ingredients in the fridge instead of throwing so much away.
Take out frozen food every morning or plan what I am going to eat on a morning so I don't waste time deciding on what to eat.
Plan what I'm going to eat.
Try and eat more healthily and eat fruit for snack instead of crisps
Know when flatmates are cooking because I often spend alot of time waiting around for them to finish.
Clean the hob more often ! I always leave it until its really hard to get clean...
My mum always says "Tidy desk, tidy mind" im going to try and stick to this better .

10 things I will improve practically

Do the same amount of work on weekends as weekdays !
Being well time managed means I will get my work done and have a good amount of time to socialize.
Try and get all work done by 7pm so you can wind down afterwards .
Go to the library.
Blog as I go instead of getting to the weekend and having loads of blogging to do.
Don't have too many short breaks in the day and just have a break at lunch time.
Try and get my head down too work when not on lunch breaks instead of socializing with friends while I work
Try and keep conversations in the studio limited to the work we are doing.
Stay in the studio instead of going home as I am far more productive here !

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