Sunday 25 March 2012

Time Management - Task

OUGD402 // Time Management

This ongoing brief involves us looking at our Time Management skills.

Workshop One 
1st Task - List all the different activities that you take part in in the three areas of your life. Work, Social, Domestic

BAGD Activities-

Free Studio Time
Digitally working 
Design Sheets/Drawings 
Watching Informative Documentaries.
Browsing Websites for Inspiration
Printing and Crafting
Self Evaluation

Domestic Activities:-

Lying In
Food Shopping
Getting Ready
Toilet Breaks
Money Management
Sorting out bills etc. 

Social Activities:-

Social Networking
TV and Films
Spending time with friends
Playing football 
Nights Out
The Daily Chore
Texting/Phone Calls
Listening to music
Dining Out

From this we then broke down the categories into sections and graded them with percentages:


Weekly and Daily Time Diaries 

We also was asked to keep track of our daily and weekly activitiest to see what we had been spending out time doing:

I find it difficult to keep track of my time so i have decided that this is a key thing i need to look to the future and actually stat to amend.

Workshop Two 

168 hours in a week
35 hours work (studio)
5 hours break
56 hours sleep.

= 96 Hours 
(This leaves 72 Hours left. What do i do with that time?)

2nd Task - List 10 things you can do for each of these...

10 rules I will improve socially ... 
Don't socialise after 9pm
Don't sit and watch video's/ etc with flatmates i have seen in the day
Cook meals with flatmates
Put a sign on my door when i am working
Do a lot of exercise
Broaden my creative influences
Get some fresh air 
Don't use social networking sites. 
Spend my spare time away form my laptop.

10 things I will improve domestically ...

Wash up as soon as I use the plates and cutlery instead of letting it build up.
Clean my room weekly instead of letting it get out of control and having to a massive clean.
Wash clothes more often.
Look on the internet for how I can use up the left over ingredients in the fridge instead of throwing so much away.
Take out frozen food every morning or plan what I am going to eat on a morning so I don't waste time deciding on what to eat.
Plan what I'm going to eat.
Try and eat more healthily and eat fruit for snack instead of crisps
Know when flatmates are cooking because I often spend alot of time waiting around for them to finish.
Clean the hob more often ! I always leave it until its really hard to get clean...
My mum always says "Tidy desk, tidy mind" im going to try and stick to this better .

10 things I will improve practically

Do the same amount of work on weekends as weekdays !
Being well time managed means I will get my work done and have a good amount of time to socialize.
Try and get all work done by 7pm so you can wind down afterwards .
Go to the library.
Blog as I go instead of getting to the weekend and having loads of blogging to do.
Don't have too many short breaks in the day and just have a break at lunch time.
Try and get my head down too work when not on lunch breaks instead of socializing with friends while I workTry and keep conversations in the studio limited to the work we are doing.Stay in the studio instead of going home as I am far more productive here !

1. Things you can do to get more out of your day?

  • Go to bed at a reasonable time
  • Plan eating times and eat healthily 
  • Set times for relaxing and breaks
  • Make lists and stick to them 
  • Clean as you go along
  • Plan out your day in the morning 
  • Make time for socialising, don't overwork yourself
  • Set a weekly money budget and stick to it
  • Do chores on set days so you get them

2. Things you can do to avoid stress and conflict between the three areas?

  • Be considerate of others and flatmates 
  • Make time for friends and family 
  • Excersie and get fresh air 
  • Work to a set time every day (don't be working late at night)
  • Talk to different people 
  • Try and be productive in all areas 
  • Change your social environment to gain the best out of all areas
  • Clean as you go along will get the domestic stuff out of the way and let you focus on work and socialising.
3. Things to help develop and effective design practice?

  • Use your resources to your advantage
  • Learn new skills and methods of design
  • Apply what you learn to your work 
  • Inform yourself on other designers 
  • Do more self initiated work 
  • Self evaluate regularly 

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