Sunday 4 March 2012

Who are you? Design Cont ....

I wanted to create a clean style and layout so i have opted for this design. I like it a lot better then the previous design as its easy to read and very simply laid out. I feel that it is more porffesional. 

Screen Shots of Design Process:

I have chosen purple and black into a white stock because i feel that it works best. The purple colour is one of my partners favourite colours so it was an obvious choice. i have also just overlaid the images to blend in with this theme. 

The text i one again wanted to be laid out in a professional and simple way This is because in my previous experiments i had to much going on and it became unnnessacery. I much prefer the design to be simple and using helvetica type size 12 it is a professional standard of publishing. 

The purple down the side of the page I don't really like anymore so I will have to change that so it become more like a dps.

300 word to go onto the Double page Spread:

Lisa Burns, lives in Cumbria, North Lake District. She descibes it as a ‘Toursit’ attraction. Yeah it’s pretty, but it has no nightlfe nor does it have anything that really sells it to me. I like the hussle and bussle of busy places like cities and feel that the place I truely love is London.

Her favorite place to live would have to be Perth in Australia. Ideal things to do there would be to surf and open up a beah buisness shop, which would truely suit Lisa style and personality. By the sounds of things Lisa burns has been planning this trip for a long time, as the cinverstaion turns into a ‘giddy’ frenzie. She talks in the best australian accent when asked, and would be ‘bloody crackin’ down under,

Ok, so Lisa  enjoys a surf, but what music is she into? She loves the brother from oasis - yup, Lisa loves Noel Gallagher and describes him as a ‘Lyrical Genious’. She has recently just been to one of his gigs and said that it was so unreal that she was nearly in tears.
Lisa loves music and attends festivals such as lEEDS fESTIVAL, kENDAL CALLING, HIDEOUT FESTIVAL and many more, and has been doing this for quite some time now. She suggests that the best thing to take to a festival will have to be ‘baby wipes’ and ‘lots of alcohol’ to get through a good few days of being stuck in the mud.

As well as live music and the bustling city life, lisa also enjoys a quiet moment reading. Her favorite book is ‘Slavado Dahli The life story and she says that ’iT IS SERIOUSLY ON ANOTHER LEVEL.’ The book has influenced her outlook on life and she states that she ‘loves’ it and could read it ten times over. Dream Dinner parties are always a good way to see what people somebody relates to, I asked llsa this question and her response was that she would have ‘Carl Pilkkington’ for some laughs around the table, she would also of course have Noel Gallagher round as he is her idol, Ricky Gervais would also make an appereance and Lisa would also invite Annie mac as she feels that her music is perfect for a good night out.
“This dinner party would have me in stiitches the whole night.”
- Lisa Burns
Lisa is an up-tempo girl, who is always up for a night out and will be there for her friends instantly, but if she could Lisa would like to go back to the past and meet her grandparents. She would also  like to go back in time and see what her parents where upto at this time in her life, to see if there is anything they are not telling her.

* “ I’d love to be a fly on the wall!”
She suggests as she talks about going back in time, the thing is,
“my mum used to hang out with Ozzy Osbourne - so come on, i need to see what crazy sh*t was going down then.”

Lisa has many achivements, but she says that her best was getting into LCA. Lisa also spent time in london on a differnt course and fell in love with the London Life style. She couldn’t resist the London underground music scene and loved the high life of the Vintage Shops and the small back alley cafe’s, but Lisa said that she does love Leeds and the people here.

It has been a real delight talking to Lisa and hearing about her aims and aspirations for the future. I feel that Lisa ia a down to earth, hileriously funny girls who is quite simply up for anything and always will be smiling. She was a great work ethic na dwill always love Graphic Design and Photography.

- Lisa Burns
By Stephanie Buck

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