Monday 28 May 2012

Evaluation OUGD402

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Throughout this module i have learnt skills to do with time management and it has become unbelievably useful to me as a designer. By managing my time it has helped a lot with my work load. I have also started to write a diary and i am keeping because it helps me to balance my work and write quick notes. I have learnt to write lists that actually help me to organise my time and helps to separate my design work, social skills and other techniques. I feel this has heavily influenced me and i will deifnlaty be taking these skills either to achieve the best designs. Throughout doing this course and this module i have also developed skills with my researching. I have used various websites and books to help me to search for designers that i like and apprichete. The use of doing this has given me insight into design displines and helped me to achieved a varied style while i try and pick my own style. I feel that bu doing this i have viewed and research a massive about of design database which will stimulate me further, The use of the designs and dersginers being on one blog will help me to access the designs quicker. I have applied these skills to my speaking through experison as i have tried to base my designs on the research i had collated. I found that the best designs were those that were simple, clean and the layout was measured to perfection. This then has hopefully been reflected in my work. I feel that this is also a key skill i have picked up and will be learning this style for a long time trying to get it to perfection. 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have approached my designs with a simple and effective production. I wanted to keep the designs simple and so the main information would be applied and stand out against the design. I have used processes that consist of research, development and then production. The design development consisted on things such as looking on various websites and allowing myself to control my surroundings. 

I feel that my development process has continued throughout this whole module as the use of documentation has worked well. I have documented the research that has interested me and documented the design processes i have taken. This is a worthwhile experience as it has taught me a lot about my work and myself as a designer.  

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel that i have gained some strengths throughout this module that has allowed me to push myself. These include, time management skills - Through doing the task with fred carrying on the process i feel that this is one of my real strengths that i have gained. I also feel i did quite well with my printing slot. This was from my time management processes. With this i had time to change and improve my printing due to me booking my print slots. I feel that i was very organised  for me to achieve. I am also feel that my speaking form experience module went quite ok, i am happy with the layout of my designs as they kept with the simple and effective theme. Mininlit ideas with miminlist production was the way i wanted to peruse the project.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I feel that my blogging could of been developed furthers. I should of developed a more extensive range of ideas and blog posts to help view this. I also wish that that i had explored the brief in a lot more extensive range. The use of designers i have used is ok, but i should of developed this further to get the best out of the module. I should of also pushed my skills in researching. Whenever i found a piece of work i liked i never placed it onto the PPP blog and i feel that if i did it would of backed up lot of information. Insetad a chose to place spefcic things on which i feel now, was the wrong thing to do. I think that i have discovered weakness in my motivational skills. At some points of this module i felt that i didn't want to blog and my motivation was low. I also feel weakness when i printed off my partner double page spread. This is because on screen the design looked quite effective with negative space and simple layout, where as when i printed the design i felt it lacked design skills. The feature looked to basic and i really feel that the designs were very poor and weak in the end and if i had more time i would go back and spend longer trying o fix this problem because i feel that the design is horribly weak and doesn't project what i want it to say. 
5.Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- I will not focus and pay to much attention to detail and lose focus on the designs/ concept as it has cost me alot with this moduel.
-  I will learn to control my writing to be informational and productive
- To use illustrator in my designs

- To work better with layouts for publications
- To research deeper into specific things and to check contents
- Work on spelling
- Keep looking at crits and techniques

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