Tuesday 25 September 2012

Level 5 Study Task 1 - Why am I here? What do i want to learn?

Blog Task 1

Today was the first day back since summer. We had induction meetings and various other forms and things to be filled in.

Our first 'session' was with Lorraine and Simon, for this session we repeated the first task we had to complete in the first year.

We had to generate and compile lists which then developed into questions we wanted to be awnsered by the tutors.

I found this exercise extremely useful as it gave a greater insight into second year and what we can achieve. It was also really helpful to find out specific things such as industry affairs and how to deal with specific matters. 


5 Reasons why you chose this programme?

- The reputation / Industy talks

- The discipline and intensity of this course
- The Facilities (very good quality)
- Good work ethic of all students graduating / on the course


5 things you want to learn?

- The business side to graphic design

- Better presentation skills
- How to use facilities and resources to their full extent
- To build on specific areas of design such as editorial
- To learn how to write well for dissertation
- Software knowledge + to improve this

List 5 skills that are your strength

- Confidence in presentations

- Developin ideas / helping others 
- Layout (Kind of)
- Meeting deadlines
- Ability to work hard when needed

List 5 things you would like to improve on?

- Research ability

- Knowledge on ideas / designers / graphic design language
- Ability in type / Digital experiments
- Time management / concentration

5 ways to evaluate your progress?

Blog crits / utorials / assesments / 1 on 1's / comparrison of last year work / Quality of work produced

5 Questions that you want to find out?

- How to arrange a placement

- How to write a good essay
- how o promote yourself in the best possible way
- How to explore the business side of graphics
- how to be a top designer in ALL ways i can possibly do this

We then merged into groups and developed an ultimate list.

This list consisted of the TOP 10 of all awnseres generated from the above lists.

When we had written these down we then highlighted the main questions that the tutors could awnser for us. This was an extremely useful exercise as it got me back in tune with the course and how hard working it is. 

  • identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this programme.
  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the programme.
  • Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths.
  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve.
  • Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your progress.
  • Identify 5 questions that you want to find the answer to.
  • Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you.
  • Identify 10 examples of design that illustrate your fields of creative interest.


1. I am intrested in still improving and developing my layout skills. I find that a unique and interesting layout helps the information being portrayed to look and feel more in depth and creative. The layout would also impact on the page.

2. Another area i would like to develop in, would be Type/Typefaces. I tend to get most of my typeface's from www.lostype.com, but this year i would like to progress my love for type, and start to develop some of my own work to reflect specify design situations.

3. SCREEN PRINTING, is still one o fthe things i still need to put more time into. I feel that if i can push this then my hand illustrations might improve and i could develop  style of design that would be suited to using screen printing instead of digital printing methods.

4. I NEED TO IMPROVE ON ILLUSTRATOR. So i therefore need to make this a main interest of mine. I like to experiment with colour and variation. 

5. I also like pattern design. I would b interested in this further down the line.

6. Inforgraphics and Information design is also something that intreats me as a designer. I hate some of the infogrpahics out there, so when i find a nice design or one that appeals to me, i seem to get interested very quickly.

7. I want to find out more on illustration, and this interests me a lot. I like quirky illustrations, and hand rendered ones, but they also look effective when done in illustrator etc. 

8. I would also really interested in logo / branding aspects of design. Finding new and innovative ways to portray a company is exciting and influential. 

9. Innotive and creative Packaging is something that appeals to me. i LIKE SIMPLICTITY WITHIN DESIGN AND WIth packaging this can come across looking very interesting and clean/useful. 

10. Texture is an influential thing. I want to be able to focus my work on the texture/stock of a design. The stock you use, or the texture you print on can set the design apart form others. It makes or breaks the final product.

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