Thursday 15 November 2012

Progress Workshop

5 Ways to evaluate your progress

  • Self Evaluation 
  • Blog, Evaluate, Re-evaluate, Re-Blog
  • Crit
  • Compare work
  • Brainstorming / List making 
  • Look back at old evaluations

5 Questions you want to find out the answer to

  • Designing for websites
  • Getting a placement
  • How to get an internship
  • Self Promotion 
  • Branding 

5 Skills that are my strengths 

  • Editorial work
  • Design For Print
  • Reliable
  • Idea Generation 
  • Listening 

5 Skill that need improvement 

  • Web Design
  • Branding 
  • Project Management 
  • Presentation Skills
  • Essay Writing 

5 reasons why i chose this program 

  • The course has a great reputation
  • It is hard work but you get good results 
  • More contact with tutors and the availability to learn a wider variety of things within design.
  • Great Resources and a good learning environment. 
  • It's a specialist Art College. 

5 things that I want to learn

  • Design for Web, Animation and Motion Graphics
  • Self Promotion and Branding as well as better Networking skills
  • Product and Packaging design. 
  • How to get myself into an Internship
  • The financial and business side of design (how much to charge freelance)

We was then asked to from all the lists, select the top 10 factors that we all had in common and write them down. These was then changed into questions and put together with the whole group. It was then reviewed and whittled down to the ones that was the most reoccurring.
  • How did the course gain a good reputation?
  • How can I manage to improve Time Managment and Punctuality?
  • How do I improve essay writing skills?
  • How do we learn and improve Web and general Software Skills?
  • What rates do we charge as designers?
  • Will I make it?
  • How can I evaluate/reflect my progress
  • How can I gain more confidence when presenting?
  • What do I want to specialise in?
  • How do I become better informed about what is going on in the industry?

We was then asked to, as a group, make a list of some of the problems that might arrise this year on the course. Here is what we came up with?

  • Being too busy with work and uni priorities.
  • Falling behind with work due to bad time management. 
  • Running out of money. 
  • Getting your house burgled (Hyde Park area)
  • Packing up
  • Getting kicked out of college / failing to make the grade.
  • Getting injured or ill and this effecting your life and course priorities.
  • Forgetting about certain tasks or briefs due to bad time and project management. 
  • Being late to a lecture due to bad time management skills.
  • Make mistakes and pass out whilst presenting to everybody. 

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