Saturday 24 November 2012

Relevant Studios:

Identify 5 studios or companies which are personally relevant. Make an informed choice based on:
  • Location
  • Client base
  • Direction of practice

Also consider
  • What is it?
  • Who are they?
  • Why are you contacting them?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • Why they should get back to you?
  • List 8 methods to contact them. 

1. SDL

I feel that i would really like to work with a company like this. Exploring a lot of methods and basing idea generation through visual and conceptual design really fits and suits me as a designer. I feel that the use of identity building is effective and they produce a lot of clean and creative projects. The clients are quite well known and the use of them building up a team works well. 

Stockholm Design Lab is a multidisciplinary design agency.
We create brand identities and solutions that build strong customer relationships. We combine strategic insight and proud craftsmanship of many kinds.
We don’t differentiate between design, architecture, digital applications and other forms of communication. The perception of a brand is dependent on its slightest components.
We experiment, build, think and rebuild. We are organized to never compromise with the end result of our work. Quality in every component is what creates the experience of the brands we work with.
We are based in Stockholm, but have always operated globally.
Our work has been exhibited in New York, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Köln, Helsinki and Stockholm. Read more about awards, exhibitions and press here.


Snask is an internationally renowned Design, Brand & Film agency that creates the heart & soul of brands. We create new brands and we rejuvenate old ones. We knock off all types of branded material for print, web, film and experimental advertising. Our name means candy, filth and gossip and everywhere we travel we make a couple of enemies and millions of fans. Snask off!
01) Brand strategy! Why your brand matters
02) Brand identity! How to look like a million dollars
03) Brand story! What, where and when to tell the story
In 2012 Snask celebrates 5 years in business. To kick-start our party we have put together Top of Snask pops 2007-2012. Important milestones from our first five years in business. We encourage you to join our ride. It’s pink, shines of gold and is speeding in 300 km/h.

01) 2011, Snask establishes Snask Film. They have so far won Nikon Film Festival and created film, tv and stop motion for Svenskt NäringslivAlmegaH&MFolkoperan,Sony and Loreal. Next stop – space ships!

02) 2008, Snask signs a public contract for the city of Stockholm, making us supplier of branding, communication and design for city of Stockholm’s culture department.

03) 2012, Snask joins CCCP+B (Europe)ForsmanBodenmalmKlingNomeister in the book Creative Swedish Agencies 2012. We’re obviously playing in the same league.

04) 2011, Messi, Xavi and Pedro invite SNASK to lecture in Barcelona at OFFF 2012 – Let´s feed the future. For full tour schedule see, Snask tour schedule 2012.

05) 2012. BIS Publisher signs Snask to release their first book of many on creative entreprenurship, pink lies, taking risks and reaching success. In store fall 2012!

In terms of working for a commercial and nationally known company, I would like to work for snask. They use alot of different techniques to generate and create the heart and soul of a brand. They are SO original and do things their own way which allows them to be a strong creative group. I feel that they are unique and i feel that i reate to their terms and style of design. I agree with their manifesto and the things they stand for. 

3. Studio MIKMIK

This company is based in west Yorkshire which focusses on publications and promoting events. What drew me towards this studio was their use of pattern and print whilst designing layout and information publications. Recently I have really been enjoying layout with written content and image based work. I have always enjoyed typography and pattern illustration, so combining these skills together in a studio is something I could see myself doing. The studio is aslo in a good location, not far from Leeds College of Art, therefore it is realistic to contact and visit. I have also noticed the typography that the studio do which is definitely an area I want to focus on.

4. Sass and Peril

5. I love dust

'I love dust' is a collaborative studio which covers many areas of graphic design, illustration typography and even animation. They are based in East London and on the South coast. For me, the studio specifying on a range of areas gives me confidence that I could learn a lot from a company like this. Also, the idea of collaboration is something that I would find interesting and always a good challenge. I think this company is a bit out of comfort zone and not my normal style  but I think this is why I like it. They have worked for a lot of well-known companies such as nike and Absolute vodka. They seem to sert there standards high which also draws me to this studio. 

6. Sunlights on closed lids

Recently I bought some greeting cards from the sculpture park in Yorkshire which I really liked the design of. I went onto the shop online which led me to loads of illustration and type based cards that I adored. This studio in particular caught my eye. Every aspect of their card designs is how I would like to work. I would like to contact them because their are so many questions I would like to ask them.I think I would contact this company with a hand rendered letter or card and post it to them traditionally. 

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