Sunday 4 November 2012

What is Industrial Experience?

Studio Session on Industrial Experience. We were given a set of Questions we had to awnser. We then broke into groups and discussed the questions further. 

What is Industrial Experience?

Industrial experience is gang knowledge that allows you to push boundaries and learn, it gives you a feel for design lifestyle and offers help and support. It offers you the confidence with how a studio works and how you can add your input 

How do you get Industrial experience?

Work placements / speaking  to designers / mailing / accounts / studio visits  / clients / festivals / social events / festivals / letter / portfolio / know the language / be polite / be interested / know terms / now methods / area specific / be interested / print methods / how to use technology.

What are your concerns about Industrial Experience?

Not getting any. People saying that your work isn't good enough. how do you approach designers, the right language to use, how you know what place is right for you. Not knowing enough on specific sections of design, not being confident, how to behave in the environment. Not getting enough work experience. Not knowing enough skills. 

Group discussion:

What is Industrial Experience:
Getting a feel for a working environment
Seeing your designs in a working experience
Client / Live Briefs
Working with clients and contacts
Working in a live environment
Understanding programmes and production
Applying what you know 
developing professional skills. 

How do you get it:

Networking Events: festivals/exobitions/online/visiting professionals/behance/tumblr/twitter/pintrest/cargo/linked in
approaching studios
sending work out
be interested and be prepared to to say YES
be confident

Why is it useful?
Informs you of your own practice 
knowing of compaies
building your confidence
informs portfolio 
level of standard
possibility of cash payment
devlops proffesionally
looks good on cv
realistic view of industry standard
competitions in real world
itentify limitations and boundaries
make contacts
broaden your knowledge

What do you need?

confidence samples of work enthusiasm management skills commitment motivation range of work interest attentive positive attitude be open to possibility level of technical skills opportunities before support help organisation balanced finance funding ambition communication skills transport.


studios proffesional designer agencies cmpanies websites peers tutors websites uni competition briefs catalouges LCA companies sectors proffeisonal printers production clauses film studios creative studios. 


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