Tuesday 30 October 2012

What is Industrial Experience?

What is Industrial Experience?

1. Working in a studio and creative live environment.

Studio Visits, Internships, Visting Printers 

2. Professionally Networking and Visiting Professionals. 

 Behance, Pinterest, Tumblr, Cargo, Issuu, Twitter, Emails, Visiting Professionals.

3. Competition Briefs 

D&AD, New Blood, Talent house, Local Competition Briefs, Freelance Work, Collaboration Briefs, Cross-Course

4. Visiting Lectures (Uni) Trade Events and Festivals as well as relevant Exhibitions. 

Leeds Print Festival, D&AD Lectures, Visiting Professionals, YCN. Design Related Exhibitions, No brow, Design Conventions. 

5. Professional Presence 

Business Cards, CV, Portfolio/Sample of work, Physical work to take as well as an online portfolio, Financial Help, Confidence and Professionalism.

What can I learn from Industrial Experience?

1. A new Set of Skills and a sense of how designers work and function in a studio environment.  

2. Confidence in professionalism. 

3. Contacts and getting my name out into the Industry. 

4. Which direction my work will develop. 

5. Learn how to work with clients and how to 'handle' clients.

What form/format could industrial experience take?

1. Internships

2. Live Briefs and Competition Briefs

3. Visiting Professionals 

4. Freelance Work

5. Online Networking

6. Trade Events/Lectures

8. Exhibitions

9. Studio Visits

What areas of industry are you interested in?

I am very interested editorial design mostly an i feel that the area of the industry that would benefit me most. 

- Magazine / Editorial

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